Improving treatment strategies for follicular lymphoma patients
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Improving treatment strategies for follicular lymphoma patients
U sklopu 2. kongresa hematologa Makedonije, 19.4.2017.godine, održan je satelitski simpozij u organizaciji Roche Macedonia DOOEL Skopje, sa naslovom Poboljšanje terapijskih strategija za pacijente sa folikularnim limfomom. Simpozij je bio iznimnog kvaliteta, i srećom, snimljen je u cjelosti. Roche Macedonia DOOEL Skopje nam se obratila da na temelju snimka ovog iznimnog simpozija napravimo edukacijsku aktivnost, a što smo rado učinili. Ovaj tečaj je prvi u nizu, sa ciljem da poruku i sadržaj našeg portala proširimo na cijeli region jugoistočne Evrope, te u cilju boljeg razumijevanja, objavljujemo ga u cjelosti na engleskom jeziku, a istovremeno pozdravljamo i želimo dobrodošlicu našim novim korisnicima iz Makedonije.
As a part of the Programme of the 2nd Congress of the Macedonian Hematology Association, a satellite symposium hosted by Roche Macedonia DOOEL Skopje and titled Improving treatment strategies for follicular lymphoma patients was also held. The symposium was of the exceptional quality and it was luckily recorded in full. Macedonian office of the Roche asked us to create a CME activity based upon this recording which we gladly did. This course is only the first in many to come, with the ultimate goal to disseminate message and scientific content of our Portal to the entire region. In order to assure the best understanding we are delivering it in English. We would also like to use this opportunity to welcome our new users from Macedonia.
Follicular lymphoma (FL) accounts for roughly 1/4 of all patients with lymphoma. Despite treatment advances FL patients still have significant unmet medical needs, mainly frequent relapse, problems with older patients and those with comorbidities. In order to meet those needs future treatments would need to improve first-line regimens, with less frequent relapse, better tolerability and safety, while attempting to be devised without chemotherapy in order to further reduce toxicity and secondary malignancy. In this webcast CME activity some of the possible routes of FL treatment improvement are reviewed and discussed in line with the latest RCTs and published evidence.
This activity is recommended for physicians belonging or interested in fields of haematology, internal medicine and pathology, but it is suitable for medical students.
This CME course is free for registered members. Registration is also free.
This CME course is accredited by Medical Chamber of Tuzla Canton and is recognised by Medical Chamber of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (article 18).
Educational activity supported by Roche Macedonia DOOEL Skopje, Macedonia
internal medicine specialist
haematology subspecialist
University clinic for haematology Skopje,
Medical Faculty Skopje
Skopje, Macedonia
internal medicine specialist
haematology subspecialist
University clinic for haematology Skopje,
Medical Faculty Skopje,
Skopje, Macedonia
internal medicine specialist
haematology subspecialist
Charles University Prague
General Hospital Prague
Prague, Czech Republic
Nastavni plan tečaja
Course general info | 00:05:00 | ||
O. KARANFILSKI: Chair's welcome and introduction | 00:15:00 | ||
S. GENADIEVA STAVRIK: Can we improve clinical outcomes in patients with FL? | 00:10:00 | ||
M. TRNENY: Improvement in treatment of FL patients and management of IRR | 00:25:00 | ||
Panel discussion | 00:07:00 | ||
QUIZ | |||
FL: Final test and evaluation | 00:10:00 |
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